Source code for wuttaweb.forms.widgets
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# wuttaweb -- Web App for Wutta Framework
# Copyright © 2024 Lance Edgar
# This file is part of Wutta Framework.
# Wutta Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# Wutta Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Wutta Framework. If not, see <>.
Form widgets
This module defines some custom widgets for use with WuttaWeb.
However for convenience it also makes other Deform widgets available
in the namespace:
* :class:`deform:deform.widget.Widget` (base class)
* :class:`deform:deform.widget.TextInputWidget`
* :class:`deform:deform.widget.TextAreaWidget`
* :class:`deform:deform.widget.PasswordWidget`
* :class:`deform:deform.widget.CheckedPasswordWidget`
* :class:`deform:deform.widget.CheckboxWidget`
* :class:`deform:deform.widget.SelectWidget`
* :class:`deform:deform.widget.CheckboxChoiceWidget`
* :class:`deform:deform.widget.DateInputWidget`
* :class:`deform:deform.widget.DateTimeInputWidget`
* :class:`deform:deform.widget.MoneyInputWidget`
import datetime
import decimal
import os
import colander
import humanize
from deform.widget import (Widget, TextInputWidget, TextAreaWidget,
PasswordWidget, CheckedPasswordWidget,
CheckboxWidget, SelectWidget, CheckboxChoiceWidget,
DateInputWidget, DateTimeInputWidget, MoneyInputWidget)
from webhelpers2.html import HTML
from wuttjamaican.conf import parse_list
from wuttaweb.db import Session
class ObjectRefWidget(SelectWidget):
Widget for use with model "object reference" fields, e.g. foreign
key UUID => TargetModel instance.
While you may create instances of this widget directly, it
normally happens automatically when schema nodes of the
:class:`~wuttaweb.forms.schema.ObjectRef` (sub)type are part of
the form schema; via
In readonly mode, this renders a ``<span>`` tag around the
:attr:`model_instance` (converted to string).
Otherwise it renders a select (dropdown) element allowing user to
choose from available records.
This is a subclass of :class:`deform:deform.widget.SelectWidget`
and uses these Deform templates:
* ``select``
* ``readonly/objectref``
.. attribute:: model_instance
Reference to the model record instance, i.e. the "far side" of
the foreign key relationship.
.. note::
You do not need to provide the ``model_instance`` when
constructing the widget. Rather, it is set automatically
when the :class:`~wuttaweb.forms.schema.ObjectRef` type
instance (associated with the node) is serialized.
readonly_template = 'readonly/objectref'
def __init__(self, request, url=None, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.request = request
self.url = url
def get_template_values(self, field, cstruct, kw):
""" """
values = super().get_template_values(field, cstruct, kw)
# add url, only if rendering readonly
readonly = kw.get('readonly', self.readonly)
if readonly:
if 'url' not in values and self.url and getattr(field.schema, 'model_instance', None):
values['url'] = self.url(field.schema.model_instance)
return values
class NotesWidget(TextAreaWidget):
Widget for use with "notes" fields.
In readonly mode, this shows the notes with a background to make
them stand out a bit more.
Otherwise it effectively shows a ``<textarea>`` input element.
This is a subclass of :class:`deform:deform.widget.TextAreaWidget`
and uses these Deform templates:
* ``textarea``
* ``readonly/notes``
readonly_template = 'readonly/notes'
class WuttaCheckboxChoiceWidget(CheckboxChoiceWidget):
Custom widget for :class:`python:set` fields.
This is a subclass of
:param request: Current :term:`request` object.
It uses these Deform templates:
* ``checkbox_choice``
* ``readonly/checkbox_choice``
def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.request = request
self.config = self.request.wutta_config = self.config.get_app()
class WuttaDateWidget(DateInputWidget):
Custom widget for :class:`` fields.
The main purpose of this widget is to leverage
for the readonly display.
It is automatically used for SQLAlchemy mapped classes where the
field maps to a :class:`sqlalchemy:sqlalchemy.types.Date` column.
For other (non-mapped) date fields, or mapped datetime fields for
which a date widget is preferred, use
This is a subclass of
:class:`deform:deform.widget.DateInputWidget` and uses these
Deform templates:
* ``dateinput``
def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.request = request
self.config = self.request.wutta_config = self.config.get_app()
def serialize(self, field, cstruct, **kw):
""" """
readonly = kw.get('readonly', self.readonly)
if readonly and cstruct:
dt = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(cstruct)
return super().serialize(field, cstruct, **kw)
class WuttaDateTimeWidget(DateTimeInputWidget):
Custom widget for :class:`python:datetime.datetime` fields.
The main purpose of this widget is to leverage
for the readonly display.
It is automatically used for SQLAlchemy mapped classes where the
field maps to a :class:`sqlalchemy:sqlalchemy.types.DateTime`
column. For other (non-mapped) datetime fields, you may have to
use it explicitly via
This is a subclass of
:class:`deform:deform.widget.DateTimeInputWidget` and uses these
Deform templates:
* ``datetimeinput``
def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.request = request
self.config = self.request.wutta_config = self.config.get_app()
def serialize(self, field, cstruct, **kw):
""" """
readonly = kw.get('readonly', self.readonly)
if readonly and cstruct:
dt = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(cstruct)
return super().serialize(field, cstruct, **kw)
class WuttaMoneyInputWidget(MoneyInputWidget):
Custom widget for "money" fields. This is used by default for
:class:`~wuttaweb.forms.schema.WuttaMoney` type nodes.
The main purpose of this widget is to leverage
for the readonly display.
This is a subclass of
:class:`deform:deform.widget.MoneyInputWidget` and uses these
Deform templates:
* ``moneyinput``
:param request: Current :term:`request` object.
:param scale: If this kwarg is specified, it will be passed along
to ``render_currency()`` call.
def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.scale = kwargs.pop('scale', 2)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.request = request
self.config = self.request.wutta_config = self.config.get_app()
def serialize(self, field, cstruct, **kw):
""" """
readonly = kw.get('readonly', self.readonly)
if readonly:
if cstruct in (colander.null, None):
return HTML.tag('span')
cstruct = decimal.Decimal(cstruct)
text =, scale=self.scale)
return HTML.tag('span', c=[text])
return super().serialize(field, cstruct, **kw)
class FileDownloadWidget(Widget):
Widget for use with :class:`~wuttaweb.forms.schema.FileDownload`
This only supports readonly, and shows a hyperlink to download the
file. Link text is the filename plus file size.
This is a subclass of :class:`deform:deform.widget.Widget` and
uses these Deform templates:
* ``readonly/filedownload``
:param request: Current :term:`request` object.
:param url: Optional URL for hyperlink. If not specified, file
name/size is shown with no hyperlink.
readonly_template = 'readonly/filedownload'
def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.url = kwargs.pop('url', None)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.request = request
self.config = self.request.wutta_config = self.config.get_app()
def serialize(self, field, cstruct, **kw):
""" """
# nb. readonly is the only way this rolls
kw['readonly'] = True
template = self.readonly_template
path = cstruct or None
if path:
kw.setdefault('filename', os.path.basename(path))
kw.setdefault('filesize', self.readable_size(path))
if self.url:
kw.setdefault('url', self.url)
kw.setdefault('filename', None)
kw.setdefault('filesize', None)
kw.setdefault('url', None)
values = self.get_template_values(field, cstruct, kw)
return field.renderer(template, **values)
def readable_size(self, path):
""" """
size = os.path.getsize(path)
except os.error:
size = 0
return humanize.naturalsize(size)
class GridWidget(Widget):
Widget for fields whose data is represented by a :term:`grid`.
This is a subclass of :class:`deform:deform.widget.Widget` but
does not use any Deform templates.
This widget only supports "readonly" mode, is not editable. It is
merely a convenience around the grid itself, which does the heavy
Instead of creating this widget directly you probably should call
:meth:`~wuttaweb.forms.base.Form.set_grid()` on your form.
:param request: Current :term:`request` object.
:param grid: :class:`~wuttaweb.grids.base.Grid` instance, used to
display the field data.
def __init__(self, request, grid, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.request = request
self.grid = grid
def serialize(self, field, cstruct, **kw):
This widget simply calls
:meth:`~wuttaweb.grids.base.Grid.render_table_element()` on
the ``grid`` to serialize.
readonly = kw.get('readonly', self.readonly)
if not readonly:
raise NotImplementedError("edit not allowed for this widget")
return self.grid.render_table_element()
class RoleRefsWidget(WuttaCheckboxChoiceWidget):
Widget for use with User
:attr:`~wuttjamaican:wuttjamaican.db.model.auth.User.roles` field.
This is the default widget for the
:class:`~wuttaweb.forms.schema.RoleRefs` type.
This is a subclass of :class:`WuttaCheckboxChoiceWidget`.
readonly_template = 'readonly/rolerefs'
def serialize(self, field, cstruct, **kw):
""" """
model =
# special logic when field is editable
readonly = kw.get('readonly', self.readonly)
if not readonly:
# but does not apply if current user is root
if not self.request.is_root:
auth =
admin = auth.get_role_administrator(self.session)
# prune admin role from values list; it should not be
# one of the options since current user is not admin
values = kw.get('values', self.values)
values = [val for val in values
if val[0] != admin.uuid]
kw['values'] = values
else: # readonly
# roles
roles = []
if cstruct:
for uuid in cstruct:
role = self.session.get(model.Role, uuid)
if role:
kw['roles'] = roles
# url
url = lambda role: self.request.route_url('roles.view', uuid=role.uuid)
kw['url'] = url
# default logic from here
return super().serialize(field, cstruct, **kw)
class PermissionsWidget(WuttaCheckboxChoiceWidget):
Widget for use with Role
This is a subclass of :class:`WuttaCheckboxChoiceWidget`. It uses
these Deform templates:
* ``permissions``
* ``readonly/permissions``
template = 'permissions'
readonly_template = 'readonly/permissions'
def serialize(self, field, cstruct, **kw):
""" """
kw.setdefault('permissions', self.permissions)
if 'values' not in kw:
values = []
for gkey, group in self.permissions.items():
for pkey, perm in group['perms'].items():
values.append((pkey, perm['label']))
kw['values'] = values
return super().serialize(field, cstruct, **kw)
class EmailRecipientsWidget(TextAreaWidget):
Widget for :term:`email setting` recipient fields (``To``, ``Cc``,
This is a subclass of
:class:`deform:deform.widget.TextAreaWidget`. It uses these
Deform templates:
* ``textarea``
* ``readonly/email_recips``
See also the :class:`~wuttaweb.forms.schema.EmailRecipients`
schema type, which uses this widget.
readonly_template = 'readonly/email_recips'
def serialize(self, field, cstruct, **kw):
""" """
readonly = kw.get('readonly', self.readonly)
if readonly:
kw['recips'] = parse_list(cstruct or '')
return super().serialize(field, cstruct, **kw)
def deserialize(self, field, pstruct):
""" """
if pstruct is colander.null:
return colander.null
values = [value for value in parse_list(pstruct)
if value]
return ', '.join(values)
class BatchIdWidget(Widget):
Widget for use with the
field of a :term:`batch` model.
This widget is "always" read-only and renders the Batch ID as
zero-padded 8-char string
def serialize(self, field, cstruct, **kw):
""" """
if cstruct is colander.null:
return colander.null
batch_id = int(cstruct)
return f'{batch_id:08d}'