
Common Views

class wuttaweb.views.common.CommonView(request, context=None)[source]

Common views shared by all apps.


This view is shown when a request triggers a 403 Forbidden error.

Template: /forbidden.mako


Home page view.

Template: /home.mako

This is normally the view shown when a user navigates to the root URL for the web app.


This view is shown when a request triggers a 404 Not Found error.

Template: /notfound.mako


View for first-time app setup, to create admin user.

Template: /setup.mako

This page is only meant for one-time use. As such, if the app DB contains any users, this page will always redirect to the home page.

However if no users exist yet, this will show a form which may be used to create the first admin user. When finished, user will be redirected to the login page.


As long as there are no users in the DB, both the home and login pages will automatically redirect to this one.


Further “enhance” the initial admin user when it is first created.

This does nothing by default; subclass can override if needed.


user – New admin User which was just created as part of initial setup.