
Rattail - subcommand make-appdir

rattail.commands.make_appdir.make_appdir(ctx: ~typer.models.Context, path: ~pathlib.Annotated[~pathlib.Path, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f8f6aa96410>] = None, user: ~typing.Annotated[str, <typer.models.OptionInfo object at 0x7f8f6aa96490>] = None)[source]

Make or refresh the “app dir” for virtual environment

DEBUG [wuttjamaican.conf][MainThread] configured logging
DEBUG [wuttjamaican.conf][MainThread] sys.argv: ['/srv/buildbot/worker/rattail/build/.tox/docs/bin/rattail', 'make-appdir', '--help']
DEBUG [wuttjamaican.conf][MainThread] config files read: ['/etc/rattail/rattail.conf']
DEBUG [wuttjamaican.conf][MainThread] applying config extension: rattail.db
DEBUG [wuttjamaican.conf][MainThread] applying config extension: rattail.trainwreck
 Usage: rattail make-appdir [OPTIONS]                                           
 Make or refresh the "app dir" for virtual environment                          
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --path          PATH  Optional path to desired app dir.  If not specified it │
│                       will be named ``app`` and  placed in the root of the   │
│                       virtual environment.                                   │
│                       [default: None]                                        │
│ --user  -U      TEXT  Linux username which should be given ownership to the  │
│                       various data folders which are to be created.  This is │
│                       used when the app(s) are to normally be ran as the     │
│                       'rattail' user for instance.  Use of this option       │
│                       probably requires 'sudo' or equivalent.                │
│                       [default: None]                                        │
│ --help                Show this message and exit.                            │